Tuesday 10 March 2009

Gothic Yarn

I was catching up on blogs the other day, as I am very behind with everything and I saw the recent lovely dye additions at Gothic Yarns. I had seen her yarns on eBay and Misselle mentioned they were really nice.

Of course, having been given the word about good sock yarn I couldn't resist and purchased Gothic Rose and Full Moon Rising. The yarn is so lovely and shiny and Full Moon has exactly the right colour grey to send me dancing into the night.

I do believe that these are some of the nicest packaged yarns I have ever received.
Just the perfect little present for myself. And look, a sweet wing stitch marker is included.

Several of us were lucky enough to be given a cupcake by a famous person yesterday. It was a lovely gesture and had us giggling very well. Hurry up and open your cafe, we love a good cup of coffee.


Anonymous said...

I just realised that I bought Gothic Rose at the same time I bought Full Moon Rising! We have the same yarn!!!!!

Cupcakes were fun :D James enjoyed his!

jessiepoll said...

I missed cupcakes??! Given by a famous person???? Pray, do tell!

Zoe said...

fab yarn lovely colour, and what a lovely blog you have. How's the spinning coming on?

KnitCave said...

Thank you for your kind comments, Zoe. The spinning is going slowly but is good fun.