Tuesday 2 March 2010

A Crafting Holiday

This weekend I went to stay at Sam's house on the Isle of Wight. I had such a blast and we pretty much talked and crafted the weekend away. It was amazing.

Sam spent Friday and Saturday finishing the singles for her 2ply BFL humbug laceweight and made a start plying it on Sunday. It is beautiful and soft.

I too played with my travelling wheel and sampled again for the Sleeves in Your Pi project, this time carding rolags instead of flick combing the locks. On Sunday I made a start on knitting the actual project and am loving the way it is turning out.

I also spent most of Friday evening and Saturday to spin 50g of the twinkle braid I bought from Picperfic's Fluff-n-Stuff. It is as beautiful to spin as it looks and Sam gave me some bamboo so I can dye it black and use it as the second ply. Thank you!

It wasn't all spinning as I managed to finish my Ravelympic DNA scarf and the never ending Dragon Socks while I was there. So, added to the aerial unwind (happi cardi) and the 18 skeins of hand painted merino/nylon sock yarn I had a very successful games and managed to update Ravelry when I arrived home, hafter wwatching the 3rd period and extra time of the Canada v USA men's ice hockey final.

I was also allowed to play with Sam's drum carder and produced these rather gorgeous batts using her hand dyed English wool. It was such fun I am now saving my pennies and am on the hunt for my own carder.

 Sam's two youngest celebrated their birthday's over the weekend so I was fed Chinese and home made cake, delicious. Sam makes a brilliant almond slice and iced coconut cake but the star was her chocolate cake.

I can't believe we had such fun and managed so much crafting.

I'm looking forward to my next visit when maybe I'll see more of the island.

1 comment:

Puddytat purr said...

LOL you would've seen it if we'd ever left the house!!