Saturday, 21 August 2010

I'm in love

A while ago I visited my good friend Puddytatpurr and got her started on her spindling journey. She is an accomplished spinner and always used a wheel. Needless to say, she had a play with my trindle and before I could say boo she was spindling away and had started a spindle collection. She has progressed to supported spindles and loves them.

We always manage to enable each other - go figure. I was intreged when she showed me her latest spindle from Gripping Yarn. It was a beautiful Russian. Well, I just couldn't resist and had to have one of my own.

Purchasing my custom spindle was a brilliant experience. I watched Lisa's videos and then emailed her. I stated I was interested in trying a Russian and a French hand held spindle and that I loved walnut wood but wanted something different. Lisa emailed back and suggested I purchase her Rose design as it can be used both ways and sent me a list of woods she uses together with a suggestion of based on my love of walnut.

Choosing the wood was difficult, to be honest I could take one of each and be a hugely happy bunny. I was seduced by the redness of Redheart but was worried by the fact it can fade in sunlight. I just love African Blackwood, Cocobolo and Ziricote to name a few but I finally settled on Bloodwood as it has a gorgeous glow and reddish tint.

Well, my Rose arrived today and it is even better than I hoped, it just feels so sweet in my hand and is a pleasure to twirl. It also spins well as a Russian although it is going to take me a while to get good at this lol.

It also came with a small chunky batt from Desert Garden Farms, which consists of Rambo, Silk Noil and Angora which is a total pleasure to spin with. Do look at their store, they have some lovely fluff.

I already have plans for ordering a Russian spindle in Lignam Vitae which is a wood that develops a green tinge and smells like roses. I just need to save the money lol.


Puddytat purr said...

OOOOOOOOH I'll bring my Russian with me so you can have a play next week!

KnitCave said...

That would be lovely and you can play with my Rose. Spindling French in the hand makes it easy to walk and spindle.

Puddytat purr said...

I need something that I can walk and spindle with at the same time!!

You enabler you!