Sunday 25 January 2009

Last year Oxfam started a campaign to create a giant baby blanket, with each square knitted representing a mother who did not survive pregnancy or childbirth to be able to care for her baby, because she couldn't access the medical care she needed. Each square represents the number of mothers who could have been saved in that time if decent healthcare had been available.

On 17 September, more than 14,000 squares were handed over to the Prime Minister's wife, Sarah Brown, at Number 10.

It wasn't possible to assemble all the squares that were donated into an entire blanket. However, Oxfam is now arranging for the squares to be made into blankets. The finished blankets will then be put on display at galleries, exhibitions, town halls, and other public places - as part of Oxfam's campaign to raise awareness of the lack of decent maternal care in poor countries. Oxfam also plan to sell the blankets in their shops or at festivals to raise cash for Oxfam's work to overcome poverty.

I admit I did not knit a single square for this worthwhile campaign. However, I have signed up to sewing a blanket. Each blanket is comprised of 48 squares (6 squares across and 8 down).

Below is the planned layout for the blanket I am working on.

It is lovely to think of all the people who have given their time and love to provide knitted squares. I shall try to sew the blanket with as much care as possible and to weave in caring thoughts for the person who purchases it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoop, whoop!!
Looks great :0)

I can give you a hand next weekend if you like?
Jess x